Year 5
During Spring term our overarching topic will be World War Two (WWII), during which we will be learning about the geography of Europe. We will also look at how rationing and evacuation affected people’s lives and consider the role of women in the war effort (including the Land Girls). Our key texts for this term are Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll and Goodnight Mr Tom by Michelle Magorian. These will link to our English work, where we will be writing fictional accounts of being an evacuee and, later in the term, writing our own persuasive speeches based on Winston Churchill’s The Finest Hour speech. We will also study some war poetry. For Mathematics, the first half term will be focussing on multiplication and division. This will include work on multiples and factors, prime numbers and written methods for multiplying and dividing. During the second half term, we will be focusing on time and measures, including conversions, area, perimeter and volume. Our Art is linked to our topic with a focus on Propaganda posters. In Science we are learning about classification, life cycles and reproduction in both animals and plants. We usually finish our term with a “VE day street party” for which we dress in WWII clothing. More information can be found by accessing the Curriculum Captures