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Year 3

Exciting things the children will be learning in the spring term…

During the first half of the term in science, the children will be covering the topic ‘Animals Including Humans.’  This will involve looking at the skeletons of animals and humans.  They will be focusing on how muscles work and which foods are needed to keep the body healthy.  In the second half of term, they will cover the topic ‘Plants’.  The children will be looking at what plants need to grow and the names of the different parts of a flowering plant.  They will also be looking at the role flowers play in the life cycle of plants.  

The children will focus on their history topic in the first half of the spring term.  This topic covers the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. They will be focusing on how human settlements changed during these periods.

In the second half of term, the children’s Geography unit will be a focus on Europe.  They will be exploring some of the countries in Europe and learning how to use an atlas to locate these different countries. They will also be covering the different climate zones across Europe.

In RE, they will begin by learning about what it is like to follow God and then, in the second half of term, they will explore why prayer is important to Muslims.

In PSHE, they will be covering the topics of Diversity and Communities and during the second half of term they will cover  ‘Relationships and Sex Education’.

In Computing, they will focus on e-safety, then they will move on to learning about spreadsheets.

In DT, the children will be learning to create simple stitches such as running stitch, then they will be designing and making a Bronze-Age style tunic. 

In Music, they will be learning about composition of body percussion and then moving on to singing songs in European languages and listening to European composers.

In Art  they will study the work of Alberto Giacometti, and the children will be using this as inspiration to create their own sculptures.

Their French topic will cover ‘What I and others do.’ 

More information about our curriculum

More information about the curriculum content can be found in our ‘Curriculum Captures’ (click here) on the school website. These are useful for parents to see the content of what is being taught and to use this information to help support your child at home.