Sensory and Physical Needs
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Students may come to Waterbeach School with a hearing (HI) or visual (VI) impairment (or both). We have a number of staff who have experience of working with HI and VI students, and managing any associated equipment and aides that these children may use. Staff may teach using a microphone, and the school will be able to apply for assistive technology for use in class. The Visual Impairment team make regular visits and support students in touch typing amongst other things.
Specific arrangements are always in place for students with significant HI or VI to ensure their safety during day to day school life, fire drills, school trips etc.
We aim to provide a quality, integrated experience for all students, including those with a physical disability. Our school has lift-access for first floor classrooms, and well-placed disabled toilets, one of which includes a hoist and changing table. Staff have experience in implementing handling plans and managing intimate care needs.
If you are considering applying for a place a Waterbeach for a child with a significant sensory or physical needs, you are most welcome to arrange to meet the SENCo and/or Head in advance of your application for a tour of the facilities and a chat about specific provision. We have a duty to make reasonable adjustments to the school environment to be able to meet an individual’s needs.
You may find more useful information using the links below:
- Waterbeach School: Equality Duty
- Access Information for Waterbeach School
- Information about Cambridgeshire’s Hearing and Visual Impairment teams can be found here
- The Disabled Children’s Team contact page can be found here