Parent Forum
Date of next parent forum - Wednesday 1st March 6 - 7pm
Sometime ago a small group of parents, including myself, approached school about the concept of a Parent’s/Carer’s forum. School positively embraced the request and are launching a Parent’s/Carer’s Forum which will be a place for genuine open discussion between school and parents. It will be an accessible way to find out more about a wide range of topics, future plans and, for us as parents/carers to be involved (in various ways that work for us) and have the opportunity to help shape decisions made about the school, put forward our views and have a greater contribution to our children’s school journey.
I’m a parent of 2 children at WCPS, and I am volunteering to be parent forum co-chair because I passionately believe that parents views can be an asset to schools and, that forums are genuine safe spaces for conversation, connection and collaboration.
I’d encourage and welcome as many of you as possible to attend. It’s a positive opportunity for your thoughts and ideas to be heard and, for school to respond openly to queries and share information about topics that parents have raised as important.
Suggestions can be sent using this form - https://forms.office.com/r/MKPtP5UzRW
These will be reviewed regularly but the cut-off for item for the next parent forum will be Monday 17th November.